iOS 15.1: How to download
What’s new
The iOS 15.1 update brings in the new SharePlay feature, which will allow users to virtually watch movies and TV shows together using FaceTime. Apart from this, it also allows users to stream music and albums available on Apple Music while speaking with contacts on FaceTime.
The new SharePlay feature further allows users to share their screens with people on a FaceTime call. iOS 15.1 also brings an update for the Apple Wallet, which allows users to keep a copy of their COVID-19 vaccination certificates, which they can then show at stores or public places.
For the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 15.1 also brings in the ProRes video capture feature. ProRes is an advanced video codec, which provides higher colour fidelity along with less compression over traditional video codecs. The update also allows users to turn off automatic camera switching when taking macro photos and videos.
Mandarin Chinese (Taiwan) support has been added to the Translate app. It has also been made available for system-wide translation. The updated Home app brings new automation triggers. The update also brings new pre-built actions in the Shortcuts app to let users overlay text on images or GIFs and create new home automation experiences. Apart from these changes, there is a new collection of games that users can access via Siri.
iOS 15.1 brings in fixes for known problems with Photos, Weather, and Wallet apps. iPhone 12 users get battery algorithm updates to help provide better-estimated battery capacity over time. The Wi-Fi networks not appearing in the settings bug has also been fixed.
The company is yet to provide details on security issues that have been addressed with the update.
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Xbox E3 Games List
The makers of Xbox have confirmed the release of a number of different games that are going to be launched as a part of the Xbox Game Pass. The Xbox presentation at E3 2021 shows a number of different games including some of the most popular games from Bethesda Game Studios. Releases like the Starfield, a sequel to The Outer Worlds, the new IP Redfall by Arkane Studios have been confirmed till date. Hades is also confirmed to be released with the Game Pass on August 13th. Apart from this, here is a total list of games that are going to be released as the new Xbox Gamepass titles.
New Xbox Gamepass titles
More about Xbox at 2021 E3 Games event
The players are expecting to see some mind-blowing content to be released by the makers. It is always exciting to see Xbox present its games and innovations at the E3 event and this one could certainly be special. Also taking over Bethesda has kept the gamers excited to see the next Elder Scrolls game, Starfield, and any other popular franchise released by the developers. But the best bet for you to know about the releases of E3 2021 event is by following the makers social media and waiting for any updates to be released. The E3 event will end on June 15 and the players can expect to see some of the latest news being released on this last day of the popular E3 event.
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